No GPs Allowed ⚡ #18

Snapchat has 850 million users, Reddit has 91.2 million DAUs, and Pinterest has 522 million MAUs—who said consumer wasn't venture-scale again?

TLDR from Z

Hi! This is a packed edition of No GPs Allowed so I’m going to keep this brief:

  1. I was in SF for a week — spent time with incredible founders but I remain firm in my POV that NYC is a better place for consumer founders to build

  2. We’ve entered the Consumer Renaissance: Michael Seibel, who is notoriously not a big fan of consumer investments, announced that too many investors are focusing on B2B rather than consumer ventures. This revelation came on the heels of Lightspeed snatching up Nikita Bier, the king of virality, as a product growth partner—something every consumer founder is looking for.

  1. I love Deel 💜 here’s $1500 in credits for every founder that’s part of The Z List (No GPs Allowed) community

  2. and a belated Happy Mid Autumn Festival (I am Singaporean and grew up in Hong Kong; that’s why I celebrate)

VC Industry News

Fundraising News (VC)

Fundraising News (Founders)

Startup Features: founder features, quotes, and more

Niche internet lore

Tweets to think about

No GPs Allowed is a long newsletter — I didn’t design it to be a quick read at the beginning of your day. This is meant to be a long newsletter you go back to, aggregates all the industry news you need to know, and gives you all the links to access information and more. That being said, Gmail cuts off this newsletter 100% of the time due to its length. So, I’m conducting a poll.

Do you want shorter, 3x/week newsletters or longer, 1x/week newsletters from No GPs Allowed?

tldr I need to know what you guys want! shorter and more frequent or longer and once a week

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Investor Feature: Parker Jay-Pachirat

How and why did you want to become a VC? Few skills are as powerful as understanding when and why things change.

I’m obsessed with the future and identifying patterns to understand how our world will change. I love working with founders, building companies from 0-1, and helping business models survive and scale.

Before joining the world of venture capital, I spent several years at early-stage tech startups, focusing on product and strategy. I also served as Chief of Staff at a fintech startup, where I acted as a strategic advisor to the CEO and played a pivotal role in scaling the company from inception to exit. This hands-on experience provided me with unique insights into the startup ecosystem, founder dynamics, and the lifecycle of a business.

One of the main components of my job is to understand how, when, and why the world is going to change. Equally as important is leveraging my interpersonal and practical skills to help founders with relevant and insightful ideas succeed.

What’s your investment philosophy in 5 words? Team > idea. Revenue > intellectual novelty.

Early-stage success hinges more on the team than the idea. Revenue generation and a clear path to profitability are paramount over intellectual novelty. Seek founders with a proven track record of building and launching impactful products rapidly. Alignment between founders and investors is crucial. Successful founders are receptive to feedback and adaptable, able to pivot without hesitation. Ultimately, the focus should be on financial returns, not personal attachment to a concept.

Strangest place you’ve met a founder? Berghain

#1 tip for folks trying to break into VC & new VCs?  Work at a startup.

The best VCs I know have either spent time working at a startup, or have founded something themselves. Having firsthand startup experience sharpens your ability to evaluate companies, teams, and business models. This practical knowledge allows you to spot cracks, risks, and opportunities that others might miss. Most importantly, founders trust VCs who have navigated the ups and downs of building a startup. Investing is like a marriage; trust is crucial for winning deals and providing impactful guidance throughout a startup’s journey.

Identify and cultivate your edge.

What sets you apart as a VC? Is it deep technical expertise, or are you a super-connector who can help founders hire, secure capital, and find acquirers? Identify your natural strengths, both inside and outside the VC world, and leverage them to add value for your portfolio companies. Rather than defining your edge solely through the lens of VC, consider what you excel at personally and how that can translate into meaningful contributions to startups.

Get clear on your “why”.

My top advice for anyone entering VC: Be honest with yourself about your motivations. Do you want to make the world a better place? Perhaps a role in a charity or non-profit would be more aligned. If you aim to drive returns for companies, stakeholders, and limited partners, then you’re on the right track. Your "why" will directly influence your success and legacy in venture capital. Passion for the sectors you invest in and a love for working with founders can be crucial differentiators.

Focus on a specific industry or vertical — and get obsessed.

A common piece of for aspiring VC’s is to ‘develop your thesis’. While developing investment theses is essential, how you develop them matters as much. Identify and get obsessed with the industry/vertical you want to focus on. Understand its history, current trends, and future developments. Build relationships with key players across the spectrum—from engineers, developers, and operators to founders and investors. By deeply understanding the pain points and opportunities within a niche, you’ll be better equipped to identify and support high-potential founders and businesses. Theses will emerge naturally as you spend ample time writing, thinking, learning, and talking about a problem space you are passionate about.

Investor you admire most? I have a lot of respect for Michael Dempsey, Managing Partner at Compound VC. I discovered Michael through his superior writing and appreciate his deep-dive approach to venture capital.

VC Theses & Startup Tips

VC Jobs

This edition is getting too long so here are all the posts/announcements of available VC jobs!

VC $$$

You can drop your salary details here (anonymously) to be shared in future editions. VC compensation is an exceptionally opaque part of the “breaking into VC” process.

  • Title: Vice President

  • Fund Size: 100-500M

  • Base Salary: $150,000

  • Cash Bonus: 0

  • Carry: 5%

Resources: Discounts + Tools

listening (music) 🎧 it’s okay i’m okay, Tate McRae

listening (podcast) 🎧 What Went Wrong: Cleopatra

(re)watching 🎥 The Gilded Age, Emily in Paris S4 P2, The Perfect Couple

fav nyc spot of the week 🗽 Sushiro 

my favorite non VC / startup related tweets of the past week