No GPs Allowed ⚡ #15

"VCs are lemmings" says Mark Suster (Upfront Ventures) at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech Summit

TLDR from Z

Coming to you live from Park City, Utah at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference; about to speak on a panel as part of the conference all about Gen Z (literally in 30 minutes).

I’ve not been living up to the title of this newsletter as I’ve been surrounded by incredible GPs and partners the past few days while attending this conference:

Maybe you’ll see some of these folks in 1 GP Allowed sometime soon.
Who knows!

Heads up! This week has felt a little ~lighter re: news I think because we’re in the thick of MIA vibes from VCs in the summer and political news over the weekend is taking up ~75% of all media coverage based on my research for this week’s edition.

VC Industry News

Because I’m at Fortune’s conference and because all of these events are completely on the record, I have some quotes to share with you from the panels throughout this section, mostly in the VC startup/theses section.

credit: The Information (article details below)

Fundraising News


Niche internet lore

If you haven’t heard about the Ice Spice, Central Cee, and Madeline Argy situation, I highly recommend reading about it.

We live in a day and age where every consumer automatically believes anything posted online is fake or PR. It is unclear whether this saga was or was not purposeful (cheating, fake dating allegations to promote a song, podcasts about said cheating allegations, etc.), but all I’ll say is that each of the three people involved has gained a significant amount of followers on Instagram, and their videos are averaging ~50M views.

Why does this matter for VCs? The way products are marketed to consumers is constantly transforming. Four years ago, Parade Underwear’s aggressive micro influencer strategy turned them into a cult brand in a matter of weeks post-launch. But now, a micro-influencer blast doesn’t always work. There’s more to unpack here. Subscribe to Fan Behavior!

Tweets to think about

Investor Features (so far)

see below for everyone’s names + fund from left to right beginning with the top row

This is my favorite section of No GPs Allowed and I’m so excited to have featured so many incredible investors on this newsletter thus far. I’d love to widen the scope of features beyond my immediate network: nominate yourself or someone else to be featured on No GPs Allowed below.

VC Theses & Startup Tips

  1. Keeping Up with the Gen Zs: The Defining Characteristics of the New Generation by Rex Woodbury

  2. New A16Z investment thesis: AI scribes.

    1. “Imagine if you had a superhuman assistant that listened to your conversations, took perfect notes, and flagged follow-ups. And, it could make you smarter by surfacing insights or trends you missed.”

  3. M12’s 4 D’s when making an investment: Data, Dividends, Distribution, and Delight

    1. Heard this today directly from Michelle Gonzalez, Corporate Vice President and Global Head, M12, Microsoft

  4. Mark Suster from Upfront Ventures’ predictions for the top VC trends in the next 5 years (beyond AI): deglobalization, aging populations tech, operational b2b AI for the healthcare industry.

    1. I also heard this today directly from Mark! He said that VC is no longer a decade-long game; he feels a 15-year cycle is more apt to assess the quality of a VC fund. And yes, he did call VCs lemmings (herd mentality).

Break into VC: Jobs

Full-time Investor

Joyance is hiring an Investment Partner. Apply here!

Geek Ventures is hiring an Investor. Apply here!

Ironspring Ventures is hiring an VC Principal. Apply here!

Stripes is hiring a Consumer Investor. Apply here!

Alumni Ventures is hiring for multiple investing roles. Apply here!

Cowboy Ventures is hiring an Investment Associate. Apply here!

Commerce Ventures is hiring a Senior Associate. Apply here!

Flourish Ventures is hiring an investment associate. Apply here!

Pear VC is hiring an Investment Associate - AI and Enterprise. Apply here!

Entrepreneur First is hiring multiple Analysts/Associates. Apply here!

Full-time Platform

A16Zis hiring a Deal Operations Partner. Apply here!

Eniac Ventures is hiring a Chief of Staff. Apply here!
ZN’s POV (I love Nihal & the Eniac team shout out Monica + Sofia)

Struck Studio is hiring a Venture Lead. Apply here!

Techstars is hiring a Program Associate. Apply here!

Cowboy Ventures is hiring a Chief of Staff. Apply here!


How Women Invest is hiring a Senior VC Investment Fellow. Apply here!

Cerberus Capital Managementis hiring for a 6-month fellowship. Apply here!

Necessary Venturesis hiring an intern. Apply here!

Expanding Capitalis hiring an intern. Apply here!

VC $$$

You can drop your salary details here (anonymously) to be shared in future editions. VC compensation is an exceptionally opaque part of the “breaking into VC” process. This section aims to act as: a reference for you as you negotiate your salary and to showcase just how different compensation is across fund size, titles, and more.

  • Title: Analyst

  • Fund Size: $50-100M

  • Base Salary: $120,000

  • Cash Bonus: $40,000

  • Carry: 1.25%

Events (for VCs)

post summer

tuesday 8/13

Resources: Discounts + Tools